Thursday, January 26, 2012

Waiting for clients

Hopefully I won't end up like didi and gogo.
The life of an entrepreneur is not for the meek.  My emotions pinwheel from manic to depressive daily and I push myself to exhaustion regularly and I spend more time working with software code than people.  I feel like the characters from the Samuel Becket theater production of "Waiting for Godot." Instead of Godot, I am looking for clients.

Landing you first set of clients is always hard but after six months of business, I expected to have landed a few by now.  Fortunately my daytime job is keeping the lights on and my sales person is starting to make some progress.  Who knows, I might have a few contracts by the end of the quarter. 

Just because we are slow to gather clients does not mean we are slowing down.  There is another release of Sully® coming in two weeks.  Members of our board of directors are pitching in finding sales and producing YouTube videos to promote our product. 

I am very fortunate that I get a chance to chase this dream.  The lack of sleep and mood swings are just a down payment on success later on down the road.  I look forward to when the note comes due because I beats waiting for Godot!

Until next time.

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